What To Do With The Heart of Bayle in Shadow of the Erdtree

Bayle the Dread is one of the toughest bosses in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. The rewards he offers are well worth the effort needed to take him down, but making use of the one thing he drops may not exactly be obvious to some players.

Unlike many other Elden Ring bosses, Bayle doesn’t drop an item or a remembrance. Instead, defeating him will earn you the Heart of Bayle, which can be converted into one of two very powerful spells for Dragon-based Arcane builds. Here’s how to do it.

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This guide may contain spoilers for an optional boss in
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

What To Do With The Heart Of Bayle In Shadow Of The Erdtree

bayle the dread in elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc

The Heart of Bayle is the item players get after defeating Bayle the Dread in Shadow of the Erdtree. You can find him in an arena at the highest point of Jagged Peak, but to get there, you’ll need to beat Ancient Dragon Senessax about halfway up the mountain. Once you beat Bayle, head back to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion, also known as the giant dead dragon near the Dragon Pit Terminus Site of Grace.

Approach the dirty flame in one of the big, cracked vessels near the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion Site of Grace and interact with it. The flame acts as a vendor of Dragon Incantations. Select the Communion with Bayle option, and you should be able to see two Incantations: Bayle’s Tyranny and Bayle’s Flame Lightning. You’ll have to spend Bayle’s heart in order to purchase these, and since you only have one heart, you can only get one per playthrough.

Bayle’s Tyranny

Bale's Tyranny, a Dragon Communion Incantation in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

One of the greatest Dragon Communion Incantations. Harnesses the fearsome power of Bayle the Dread.

Channels the form of the dread dragon to emit a mighty roar accompanied by a heatwave burst, causing violent eruptions of fire in the area. Even after being consumed, the throbbing heart of Bayle continues to resist its subjugation, never weakening. One day, the fire within will consume the very body and soul of its communion devourer. One day


Bayle’s Tyranny is an area-of-effect incantation that damages everything around the caster. Like most Dragon Communion Incantations in Elden Ring, the cast time for this one is long enough to leave you vulnerable to incoming attacks.

Bayle’s Flame Lightning

Bayle's Flame Lightning, an incantation in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

One of the greatest Dragon Communion Incantations. Harnesses the fearsome power of Bayle the Dread.

Channels the form of the dread dragon in right arm to smash foes with an exposed talon bone coursing with flame lightning. Even after being consumed, the throbbing heart of Bayle continues to resist its subjugation, never weakening. One day, the fire within will consume the very body and soul of its communion devourer. One day


Unlike the previous incantation, this one deals its damage in a concentrated spot in front of the caster, and it’s a great complement for certain builds, especially if you’re looking for something to pair with one of your Arcane-based weapons in Elden Ring. It transforms your right arm into Bayle’s right wing, infused with the dragon’s signature flame lightning. It hits a bit harder than Bayle’s Tyranny, but its effective range is more limited in exchange. Bayle’s Flame Lightning also makes you float high enough from the ground to avoid most low-sweeping attacks.

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